BlueSoleil versions

Manages the PCs Bluetooth connection
Jan 31, 2013
Feb 16, 2013
Jun 27, 2013
Sep 3, 2010
Oct 30, 2010
Oct 31, 2008
Editorial review
Jul 25, 2008
Apr 22, 2008
Jan 9, 2009
Feb 14, 2008
Aug 27, 2008
Aug 31, 2008
Jul 25, 2008
May 13, 2009
Aug 1, 2008
Oct 27, 2008
Feb 15, 2008
Mar 2, 2008
Jul 25, 2008
Feb 14, 2008
Feb 14, 2008

What's new

v8.0.395 [Sep 3, 2010]
Support to dynamic assign Bluetooth address.
Optimize OBEX transfer process, if the name of file is too long that may cause the file cannot transfer.
Optimize HID connection process, fixed the problem that connecting HID pop-up the dialog box of restarting OS.
Optimize DUN connection process.
Fixed bug: Dialog characters show in garbled when list contacts and SMS.
Fixed bug: Cannot support UTF8 format when sync with Outlook.
Fixed bug: Connection/broken chains of events tip that do not support multi-languages.
Fixed bug: Dialog characters show in garbled when headset re-connect with BlueSoleil. .
Fixed bug: FTP/OPP transfer file refresh too fast, leading to high CPU utilization.
Fixed bug: FTP folder attributes and file name is show in garbled.
Fixed bug: Remove Bluetooth hardware in high-speed transmission process, cause BlueSoleil hang-up.
Fixed bug: BPP cannot support multi-language documents.
Fixed bug: BPP client print status cannot support multi-language.
Fixed bug: Sometimes BPP server Preview or Save AS dialog cannot pop up.
The following significant changes have been made to BlueSoleil8.0.359.0 Release since it is

Alternative downloads

Sargon Bluetooth Sender
Sargon Bluetooth Sender

It allows businesses to deliver media files direct to consumers mobile devices.

Bluetooth Advertising Software
Bluetooth Advertising Software

Scan - Can scan area and advise on mobiles within range.


You can make and receive phone calls directly from your desktop computer.

Blue Marketing
Blue Marketing

Blue Marketing - Bluetooth marketing and file transfer sofware

Send To All
Send To All

It allows you to send messages to all your Facebook contacts.